Showing 4 Result(s)

Harry Potter Café 2021 | TOKYO

Any Potter heads here? It’s September 1st and the students of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are on their way to plattform 9 3/4 to get on the Hogwarts Express. Meanwhile, we muggles in Tokyo gathered for a yummy feast in Omotesando, which I want to share with you here on my blog …

Wa no Akari x Hyakudan Kaidan 2021 | TOKYO

I don’t know how often I already heard about the beautiful summer exhibition at Hotel Gajoen in Tokyo, and never made it in time for a visit there. But this year, I finally took the chance and took a look around the Wa no Akari x Hyakudan Kaidan 2021, an event showing the lights of …